1. God made us to live by laws, not by miracles or mysteries. Money comes to those who know and abide by its principles.

2. Knowledge of the law of money is the key demand for wealth. To obtain this knowledge, find men- tors, coaches, teachers, and partners for wealth.

3. The first thing to do with money is save.

4. Income does not determine wealth; knowledge
5. Minimize expenses.

6. Don’t steal. Pay your tithes and taxes. For a secure future, pay all your debts.

7. Wealth comes by investment. Save in order to multiply the savings, retain by minimizing costs, and multiply by investment and production.

8. Don’t listen to the dictates of money—it is a good tool but a bad master.

9. Wealth does not come by working harder, longer, or even wiser. It comes by applying principles, time, energy, your mind, and your money. (See Luke 19:24-26.)

10. It is easier to obtain wealth in poor surroundings than in rich or developed surroundings with al- ready-maximized potential, so never complain about your circumstances.

11. Ignore social expectations demanding a certain standard of social behaviors.

12. Money does not come because someone is good, spiritual, or lucky. It comes to those who know and apply the principles of money. (See Proverbs 6:6-11.)

13. There are no limits in life except those of the mind.

14. Don’t keep liabilities. Keep only assets.

15. The reason for failure in life is ignorance and la- ziness.
16. Do not despise the day of small beginnings. Start with small savings.

17. The windows of heaven are open to send blessings, not money. God sends ideas and designs, but He does not send money. (See Deuteronomy 8:18.)
18. Let God become your partner.

19. Money comes by cultivating your land and pro- ducing goods and services. Genesis 2:15 says: “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Gar- den of Eden to work it and take care of it” (niv).

20. God’s blessing is important for enduring wealth without sorrow. God’s blessing is the guard against evil. In Proverbs 10:22, we are told, “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sor- row with it.” Never love money. Instead, love God, and you will be able to subdue money.
