*Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. Ephesians 5:25 (NKJV).*

Husbands, absolutely no one in your life is more precious or important to you than your wives. She started with you, stayed with you, she will be with you through many years to come. No other relationship in your life can be compared with the relationship with your wife.

From our Bible reading today, Paul by the commandment of Jesus commanded husbands to love their wives and mentioned why they should do so, that at the point of marriage the woman became the body of the man while the man became the head of the woman. He argued that no one can actually mistreat his own body but take adequate and utmost care of it. He charged husbands to take their cue from Christ, who has not ceased to take care of His bride - the Church.

Peter had been married for many years before he gave the charge in 1 Peter 3:7. He had a godly marriage that was an example for the early Church. On that basis, he could speak to husbands because he knew what God expects from them. He spoke strongly on how husbands ought to treat their wives so that they will not hinder their prayers. He commanded husbands to 'give honour' to their wives, the Greek word "give" is "aponemo" The word means to assign, to designate, to allocate, or to intentionally give something to someone. It refers to a calculated decision to give attention, awareness, or consideration to someone else. For God to hear and answer the prayers of a husband, Peter charged husbands to purposefully show attention and consideration to their wives, because in marriage these things don't come easily, it must be cultivated through discipline (Malachi 2:14).

The word "honour" paints the picture of something so valuable that it is held as precious, prized, cherished, treasured, and very dear. He used the word to speak of a husband who values his wife highly, holds her in honour, treats her graciously, esteems her, handles her respectfully, treats her like a prized treasure that is very dear to him. When Apostle Peter said that wives are the 'weaker vessel,' he does not mean that they are inferior or substandard, rather, he was referring to them as fragile and of great value.

Women like active-love, husbands let your love be action-packed. Be a transparent husband, do not be a mystery man that needs all kinds of codes to be demystified. Husbands must always of truth treat their wives as sanctified vessels unto themselves. Husbands should honour their wives because the institution of marriage is hallowed. Just as Jesus poured His love and honour on His Bride - the Church, so ought husbands to pour thier love and honour on their wives.

Lord, help my inadequacies and failings in loving my wife. I ask for grace to become a better and more loving husband. Lord, help me to accept as my beloved the woman You gave me as wife, to pour my love and affection on her without measure in Jesus' mighty name, amen.