*"But now, He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises. Hebrews 8:6(NKJV).*

Covenant is a legally binding agreement between two equal or unequal parties that is bound by an oath usually enforceable by a superior Authority. The terms of the covenant regulate what the parties do in the relationship. Covenant creates a dimension of synergy between the parties beyond an ordinary relationship and delivers the parties desired benefits.

One of the things that covenant relationships does for God’s people is that it gives them an impeccable confidence that they are indeed a chosen people. People that understand this reality can venture into mind-boggling things with the total assurance that God is with them and will protect and help them overcome whatever may stand in their way to oppose them. This is the kind of understanding David had that made him confront a dreaded giant who was also a seasoned warrior. When David saw the level of humiliation that the presence of the giant in the battlefield had brought to the Israelites, he asked a question that made it obvious that he understood the power in the covenant that bonded him to God. *“Then David spoke to the men who stood by him, saying, "What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:26 NKJV).*

Not even the anger of David’s elder brother, Eliab, could stop David from going ahead to confront the giant. God vindicated the young man’s confidence in the covenant and gave him victory that was humanly impossible. When you want to undertake the impossible, people or circumstances will attempt to discourage your faith. However, you have to defy all odds by taking actions inspired by faith and not by sensory perceptions.

What daring things have you undertaken because you understand that you are in a covenant relationship with God? Stop complaining about the same things others complain about; stop shying away from responsibilities; stop looking for who to blame. Let the covenant work for you because what others call challenges are opportunities in disguise for you to provide solutions.

• Pray for a better understanding of what the blood of Jesus has accomplished for you.

• Pray that the church will arise with a better understanding of the covenant and do exploits.

• Demand to be clothed with boldness and courage to take giant steps of faith.

All resources in heaven and on earth are at my disposal because of my covenant relationship with God.