*"Not long after that, the younger son got together all that he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered all his wealth in rioutous living. Luke 15:13 - 17(NIV)*

God created the family system for a purpose, part of which is to create an environment for care, love and support. It is not God's intention for His children to be alone. That is why He places us in biological and spiritual families where we can be guided and have human fellowship.

*Ecclesiastes 4:10(KJV); For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when He falleth; for He hath not another to help him up.* Our heavenly Father wants us to relate with people as much as He wants us to relate with Him. The prodigal son felt like he had outgrown his family and only needed his inheritance to be fine. He tried to build a family among strangers, but it wasn't possible.

Like the prodigal son, we sometimes desert the family God has placed us in, we distance ourselves from our brethren and try to build a family for ourselves in the midst of strange men, but it only leads to destruction. Before we know it, we find out that the counterfeit family we try to be a part of soon deserts us and we become isolated. This becomes a huge opportunity for the devil to strike. In verse 12 of Ecclesiastes 4:12b (KJV) *"...And a three fold cord cannot be easily broken."* When you are alone, you are more vulnerable to the enemy's attack.

The prodigal son lost all he had and almost lost his life before he realized that he was better off even as the least of servants in his father's house than being away from his family (Luke 15:17-19). You don't have to wait until you are at the brink of destruction before you reach out for help. Even if you cannot be with your family physically for certain reasons, make sure you are still connected to them. Don't allow the devil meet you in an isolated state.

No matter the mistakes you have made, never run from God, instead run to Him and He will uplift you. *Psalm 33:20b(NKJV); "...He is our help and our shield."* When the prodigal son finally returned home, his father received him warmly and threw a feast for him. Your family is waiting to receive you warmly as well.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word. I now know that You don't want me to be alone and You have placed me in a family for a reason. Deliver me from destruction Lord and draw me nearer to You in Jesus name.