I decree in the name above every other name, this Friday shall bring forth good tidings to me and my household, in the mighty name of Jesus

I decree, no sickness or plague will come near my dwelling this Friday, 10th July 2020, in the name of Jesus

I decree, my testimony of faith will daily increase and manifest without hindrance in Jesus name

I decree concerning me and all around me only songs of praise and thanksgiving will fill our abode, in Jesus name

I decree I will not lose my sight either spiritually or physically none of my sense will fail or die, in Jesus name

I decree I am a conqueror in all aspect I will never become a rag doll for the enemy’s duty in Jesus name

I decree, every gate of hell be lifted as your people go on outreaches all through this today, in the everlasting name of Jesus

I decree, let the veil over the hearts of men be removed, let their heart receive the message of salvation in these last days, in the victorious name of Jesus

In the powerful name of Jesus, let all the powers of darkness out to resist the entrance of the gospel bow down to the message of salvation.

I decree, the gate of hell shall not stand against the Gospel, there shall be a supernatural harvest, in the name of Jesus

I join my faith with other believers on this platform to decree an end to all satanic strongholds against the salvation of all that are ordained unto eternal life, in winning name of Jesus

Mighty warrior, let the fire of evangelical revival be bestowed on each and every member of this platform as we all go out to tell the people about Jesus. Amen!

I decree my testimony can never be truncated or hidden because Christ has settled it permanently, in the name of Jesus

I decree concerning my country and countries around the world a sweep of healing rests in our lands over all evil predicament in Jesus name

I command that sickness to leave your body now in Jesus Name.

I cover all homes on this platform with the blood of Jesus!

I will not have cause to mourn over anyone of you on this platform, in Jesus Name!

Go ahead and celebrate God for this declarations


We return all Glory to you Alone.


God bless You!