*SUNDAY, 21 JUNE 2020*

_It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first_



_*🔑KEY VERSE* "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ" ( 1 CORINTHIANS 3:11)._

Incidences of building collapse in some societies have been blamed on the unwillingness of building contractors to adhere to standards. In some of the cases, it was observed that the builders violated principles of solid structures as they continued to raise the buildings to a point where the foundation could no longer cope. As building according to standards is vital in the physical, so it is in the spiritual.

God has standards and honours those who abide by it. When prophet Elijah proved God's supremacy over Baal on mount Carmel, he evidently showed that these sure foundation which had been laid for the true worship of God, should not be corrupted.

Elijah also proved that there was a foundation that must be built upon for success to be achieved in the ministry. For God to send the fire of acceptance upon His sacrifice, the prophet had to follow the standard. In the same manner, believers and ministers of the gospel must build on the foundation laid by Christ. To do so, we must first of all identify with Him. Then we must build according to pattern.

We can only do exploits through the name of Jesus; anything to the contrary would amount to working at variance with the Master-builder. In building, we must endeavour to choose "durable" stones of gold, silver and precious stones, instead of hay and stubble. Those who build contrary to the foundation laid by Christ will suffer loss.

*✍THOUGHT FOR THE DAY* Do not build collapsible spiritual structures.



Not all christian labours will be rewarded by God

*1. The labourer as an husbandry* vv5-9.
a. He is expected to till the ground, plant, cultivate, harvest and make definite profits. Anything different is of less or no importance.
b. The ground is the heart of men. The seed is the word of God (Luke 8:11).
c. The profitable fruits/harvests are salvation of souls, perfecting of saints and preparing saints for heaven, John 15:16, Galatians 5:22,23.
d. God is the Senior partner because He does what no man can do whereas others can replace you (or any minister if you are not faithful) v7.
*Think* Where do your labour fit in the husbandry service of the Lord? What type of eternal fruits is your ministry producing?
*2. The labourer as a builder* vv10-12.
a. The building is the mystic church of God v9, Ephesians 2:20-23.
b. The foundation is Christ Himself, while the Apostles are Master builders vv10,11.
c. Jesus and the main purpose of redemption from sins are the central pillars on which rewardable labour must be built. Any ministry for which this is not central is defective v10.
*Q* Is your ministry and labour "Christ centric", " "redemption centric," "heaven centric", "earth centric", "self centric", ego centric, "money centric" etc?
*3. The labour that will be rewarded*
a. There will be reward that is commensurate with the labour v8.
b. The labour that passes the fire test vv12-15.
*Is the motive right? I Corinthians 13:2,3.
*Is it done out of love for God or just to receive human praise and recognition? I Corinthians 13:2,3.
*Does the fruit abide till eternity? For example, do the souls won make heaven? 2 John 8.
*Is the word preached pure truth or diluted? Galatians 2:2.
*Was it done willingly? I Corinthians 9:17
c. All true saints will make heaven but those whose labour does not survive fire will still be in heaven except that their reward will not be full or there will be no reward at all vv14,15.
*Lord*, search out my labour, convict and deliver me from labours that will not pass fire test🙏
*Lord*, purge my heart and let my service be Christ and heaven centred🙏
*Lord*, I ask for fruitfulness in your service. Let me not be satisfied with anything less🙏
*Pray,* for our preachers and men of God that will not be distracted from emphasis on Christ and redemption from sin. God should deliver those that are distracted already🙏

*HYMN* Will there be any stars in my crown

Good day dearly beloved. Happy Sunday