*For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. John 13:15 (NKJV).*

Jesus not only taught, He performed mind boggling miracles. Sometimes, He defied the laws of nature with certain miracles. Yet, one great thing He did was to model His life for us not just to see, but also to emulate.

Ministry is all about serving and modelling for others to imitate. Jesus modelled His life for us an example (1 Pet. 2:21). In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul x-rayed the ministry of Jesus as a perfect model in every aspect and in all respects. The disposition of the heart of Jesus was the key to His service to God. Our hearts tell so much of how we live our lives and do any kind of service. Matthew 12:34, tells us that the flow of our words and actions are functions of what we store up in our hearts.

Jesus put aside His divine privileges as a member of the Godhead, humbled Himself, and took on mortality, He served willingly. He once told the Pharisees, His religious critics, that He laid His life down willingly. He was not reputation driven, rather He pursued the glory of the One who sent Him. He identified with His nature as a Man, He never hid His tears. He showed us that sonship is about serving and not grabbing. He identified with the shame of ministry for the joy that was set before Him (Heb.12:1-2). If you know the joy that is set before you, you can endure any form of shame, discouragement and ridicule. Jesus endured the crown of thorns; which today could mean betrayals, rebellious associates, ungrateful members, persecution, etc.

Jesus denounced the worldly philosophy of leadersh