I decree this Wednesday, as I raise up an altar for God in my home, His presence shall destroy every pain and fear in my life and family, in Jesus Name

I decree God has not given me the spirit of fear, He has given me the spirit of power and sound mind

I cancel every unnecessary decision to ridicule the power of God upon my life, in Jesus’ name

I decree my breakthrough can never be hindered either physically or spiritually because I carry the power of God in me, in Jesus’ name

I decree, the will of God will always rule over my will or the will of the workers of iniquity in my life, in Jesus’ name

I decree every tongue risen against me or the promises of God upon my life is permanently condemned, in the name of Jesus

I decree, over this nation and nations around the world it’s time for our breakthrough in all areas of life in Jesus’ name

I decree that all that has been planned from the kingdom of darkness against the body of Christ worldwide will never stand, in the name of Jesus

I decree no power that wants to rule or steal my right as an individual will see the light of day, in the name of Jesus

I decree eyes have not seen, ears have not heard neither has it entered into the heart of men what the Lord will do in my life, in Jesus’ name

I decree all the blessings of God over my destiny will manifest at the appropriate time and it will never be cut shut in Jesus’ name

I decree my prayer altar will never become futile in any aspect in Jesus’ name

I decree concerning the pandemic around the world and the effect on humanity mercy speaks henceforth and no evil judgement shall stand, in the mighty name of Jesus

Lord I lift every frontline and essential worker worldwide unto you, give them strength and let this current event draw them closer to you in Jesus name

Go ahead and celebrate Jesus for these wonderful declarations!


We return all Glory to our FATHER in heaven.
