I decree this Saturday, as I raise up an altar for God in my home, His presence shall destroy every pain and fear in my life and family, in Jesus Name

I decree, I and my household will experience double of divine protection over our homes, in the mighty name of Jesus! Psalm 121:5-8

I decree, for every true believer who walk and work with the Lord uprights, we shall return with complete testimonies very soon, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 84:15

I decree, long time illness in our households and communities be healed completely right now by the power in the name that is above every other name, JESUS. Amen!

I decree I will not mourn over anyone in my household there is no room for untimely death of any kind or nature, in Jesus’ name

I decree, I and my household will fulfill purpose of creation, no wisdom of the earth will render our purpose futile, in Jesus’ name

My life is a testimony, this life I live isn’t my own so I cannot and will never live a reckless life, in the name of Jesus

I live according to the will of Him that called me out of darkness into His marvellous light

I decree over the economy of this land and every live that the protection and provision of God will be surplus upon us, in Jesus’ name

Concerning this nation and nations around the world, I decree, let your peace reign and put a permanent end to the pandemic, destroy all prediction of new rise of pandemic in Jesus name

My testimony is forever permanent, weeping or gnashing of teeth is not my portion, in Jesus’ name

Go ahead and celebrate Jesus for these wonderful declarations!


We return all Glory to our FATHER in heaven.
