BIBLE READING: 2KINGS 3:15-27; MARK 11:12-26

"And since we have the Same Spirit of Faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak." 2Corinthians 4:13(NKJV)

In Mark's Gospel, the Lord Jesus mentions believing once and confession—or saying something—three times (Mk. 11:23). People usually don't miss it in their believing but rather they miss it in their saying or their confession. When people know and confess who they are in Christ and take advantage of that fact, they cannot fail in their Christian Life. The Bible does not teach that if you simply believe in your heart, you will receive an answer. It says that if you believe with your heart and say it with your mouth, you will have whatever you say. Romans 10:8 says this: “But what saith it? The Word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the Word of Faith, which we preach.” Notice that the Word of Faith must be in both your mouth and heart.

Few Christian believers have recognized the place confession holds in their lives. Unfortunately, when the word “confession” is used, people invariably think of confessing sin, weakness and failure. That is the negative side of confession. There is also a positive side and the Bible says more about the positive side than the negative. The dictionary says that to confess means “to make a confession of one’s faults, to acknowledge faith in.” If you only confess faults and failures, you will grow lopsided in your Christian Life. You will build weakness, sin and failure consciousness into your spirit. Christianity is called “The Great Confession.” What then is confession?
(1.) First, it is declaring what you believe to be true.
(2.) Second, it is giving evidence to what you know in your heart.
(3.) Third, it is testifying to the Truth you have accepted.
But you must know what you are to confess. Genuine Confession centers on five key areas:
(a.) First, what God in Christ did for you in the Plan of Redemption.
(b.) Second, what God through the Word and the Holy Spirit did for you in the New Birth and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
(c.) Third, what you are to God the Father.
(d.) Fourth, what Jesus is doing for you now, seated at the Right Hand of the Father, where He ever lives to make intercession for us. (Heb. 7:25).
(e.) Fifth, what God can do through you, or what His Word will do as you speak it.

You can’t confess about things you don’t know anything about. If you are a witness in a courtroom, it is what you have seen and heard that stands as evidence. Your opinion doesn’t count. What matters is what you know about Jesus and who you are in Him. Many people know the Lord as their Personal Saviour, but they don’t know their privileges in Him. When people know and confess who they are in Christ and take advantage of that fact, they cannot fail in their Christian Life. Prophetic Declaration is the next stage after Prophetic Activation. It is the declaration of God's Word under the Anointing. That is the declaration of God's Word when the Hand of God is upon one's life (Ezek. 37:1-7). The words you declare under the Anointing are creative. The words are as powerful as if God Himself is speaking. When the Earth was in darkness, God spoke under the Anointing and what He declared He saw. When we make Prophetic Declarations, the speed of the manifestation is usually faster than Confessions of Faith not spoken under the Anointing.


Father, we pray You help us to always declare Your Word over every circumstance and situation we may face in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.