"Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?" Ecclesiastes 8:4(KJV)

The Power of the Word gave Life to the Earth and everything that exists in it. Man himself was also created by the Word. This shows the Efficacy of the Word of God and the need to dwell on it continually. The Word of God is meant to be obeyed by all Christian believers because it is God Almighty Himself. (Jn. 1:1)p In fact, it is Jesus Christ Personified. There is so much Power embedded in the Word of God and if believers would understand it in this dimension, the battles of life would be easier. The Word of God is the Foundation of whatever exists in the world today because the world itself was made with a Mere Spoken Word of God. (Heb. 11:3) The firmament was created to divide the water on Earth and Heavens by the Same Word of God. The Word of God is the only Power that unleashes Salvation to sinners. It takes away sin and guilt from the supposedly condemned sinner.

The Word of God leads the sinner to freedom and is the Source of Faith to believers. It brings Healing to the sick and those who are downtrodden hence the first resort for every child of God who falls sick should be the Word of God. (Prov. 4:20-23) The Word of God is the Armour of the believer in Spiritual Warfare. (2Cor. 10:3-6) The True Riches are hidden in the Word of God and is a Source of Strength to the believer that enables him to go through difficult terrain unhurt. The Word of God nourishes the spiritual life of a believer and it helps him grow in the Lord. Failure in Christianity stems from abstinence from the Word of God. A disciplined believer who desires to grow and overcome the devil and his onslaught must read the Word always. (Ps. 119:9,11) Jesus Christ defeated the devil with the Word which is the Source of Victory to believers. (Rev. 12:11)

A king is a man who is the most important member of the royal family of his country and is often considered to be the Head of State of that country. One of the most striking features of kings is that they rule by decree. In the same vein, God gave believers Power to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing shall harm us. (Lk. 10:19) Let us never forget that the Word of God in our mouths is just as powerful as the Word of God in His Own Mouth.


O Lord, please help us to realize the Power and Authority we have as Christian believers and help us utilize it to its Fullness for Your Glory in Jesus' Name. Amen.