Easy steps to stop losing your wallet

In a room of ten men, an average of eight men have lost their wallets or had them stolen at some point in life.

Losing wallets, valuables or phones has gradually turned into a normal occurrence to a lot of people making it seem like we cannot live without losing our items. Losing a wallet can be frustrating and annoying but to stop such experiences, you must learn some easy steps to stop losing your wallet.

How common is it to lose your wallet?

The sporadic rise in lost and misplaced items keeps increasing through different age groups. Trying to calculate how regularly you lose your wallets each year might plunge you into moments of great worry.

That sad moment you reach out for your pocket and your wallet is nowhere to be found. You try so hard to recall the last place it went missing. Was it stolen or missing? You cannot put your mind to order to determine what happened to your wallet and all in its possession.

Globally, it is assumed that in a room of ten men, an average of eight men have lost their wallets or had them stolen at some point in life.

The cases of losing wallets always leave the owner confused, hurt, and sometimes plunged into depression. This state occurs after realizing the valuables that you lost in that process. Your credit cards, debit cards, money, documents, all displaced or probably in the wrong hands.

This exposes your personal life, financial accounts, social media life to risks, attacks/hacks, and breaches of privacy.

What does it mean when you keep losing your wallet?

Losing your wallet is not an easy experience as it sounds. This act could be tagged as carelessness, forgetfulness, or robbery. It exposes your details, your bank account details, and other valuable items to the public.

This inconvenience might expose you to possible dangers if not rectified quickly.

Is losing things a sign of ADHD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental disorder among children, youths, and also adults, popularly characterized by short span memory and frequent forgetfulness.

One of the root causes of losing things is forgetfulness and forgetfulness is a major symptom of ADHD. Individuals with ADHD are normally known to have a short-span attention ability and this is visible in their social life, interaction with the environment, academics, and relationships.

Forgetfulness in ADHD patients can result in losing things, forgetting how you kept something, or the last location you dropped an item.


How to stop losing your wallet

Losing your wallet can be painful, but it can be refreshing if you learn how to stop losing your wallet. Understanding the reasons why you lose your wallet can help you understand areas of your life that need amendments.

However, setting up measures to stop losing your wallets will help you reduce the rates you lose valuables.


    Design your wallets with a hook

Your wallet might get lost by slipping out of your pocket, falling off the bus, or falling off during a run or quick rush to work.

You can prevent your wallets from falling off by fitting them with a hook that will be firmly attached to your pocket. This does not only save your wallet from falling off but will also make it difficult for pickpockets to steal them from as they are firmly attached to you


    Always observe a routine check on your wallet during intervals.

You must make sure you feel your wallet after making a brief stop, hanging over to catch a break, or in between every thirty minutes walk. This process increases your mental consciousness on the safety of your wallet.

Wallets are usually kept in the back pockets, making them a quick reach-out spot for strangers. Feeling your wallet does not have a defined formula or time frame, you must check on your wallet as often as you can especially if you are in an open space.


    Use safe-tech devices

Most times, no matter how hard we try to be careful, our valuables have a way of slipping off our hands. It always becomes mentally draining when you drop your wallet, but you can’t remember the last place you dropped it.

Forgetfulness is a major cause of lost/displaced items, but this can be eliminated with the use of tech devices.

One of the best technology enhanced method of keeping your wallet safe and close to your reach is by using a tracker or a motion sensor.

These gadgets can come in the form of a Bluetooth or GPS enabled device. All you have to do is to insert these minor chips into your wallets, and easily track the location using your smartphone.

Some safe-tech devices are designed in a manner that lets you sound an alarm in any case that they are missing.

This helps you easily spot where you misplaced your wallet.


    Stay organized

The art of organization cannot be overemphasized. Have a clear and defined space for keeping your items. This will help you know where to reach out for when you are looking for them. A tattered room, office, or environment will always leave you losing not only your wallet but other valuable items.

Always keep a tidy table and a clutter-free workspace.


What to do if you keep losing your wallet

You must set up a backup plan if you keep losing your wallet. Losing your wallet might make you panic, frightened, and scared.

Your credit and debit card details are in the hands of a stranger and there are possibilities that your funds can be stolen or extorted from your account without your notice and permission.

But fidgeting and panicking will not help you in this case, rather you can take these few steps to protect the items you lost.

    Contact your bank or account officer to block your debit and credit cards and also terminate any financial transaction that will occur until the issue is rectified.

    Inform the Police or local security agents about your lost wallet.

    Replace your debit and credit cards as soon as you can.

    Retrieve and renew all documents that were in your lost/stolen wallet. This might cost you money to get new copies of documents, but it is safer you do so.


Have you ever lost your wallet?

Did you get it back?

We will love to hear about your experience. 

Chisom Nnachi

21 Blog posts

Israel Unya 4 yrs

I've been here before and I can tell these tips come in quite handy.
Good job Chisom.