How to earn money on Yusocial app

On Yusocial, every user earns for doing something. No matter how little the activity you carried on Yusocial might be; likes, comments, creating blog posts, updates, or articles, you are paid for socializing.

Social media has been a phenomenal part of our lives, gradually growing into an element that we cannot do without. From building connections, interacting with friends, and bonding with family, the relevance of social media cannot be underrated.

The use of social media has far evolved as some individuals have learned to maximize its opportunities to create funnels of income in the digital space.

Globally, there are about 3.80 billion active social media users, with an average daily usage of 3 hours. This average time frame is peculiar to each individual as some tend to overshoot, spending at most half of their day on social media.

The average time spent on social media keeps growing each day with relation to the different age groups scattered on social media platforms and activities carried out in its process.

But, what if you could earn some cash for each time you spent on social media?

How about you get paid for each interaction, likes, comments, or shares?

Is there a possibility that you can transform a chatting app into an earning source?

Can social media marketing become a strong marketing strategy for businesses and startups in 2021?

There are a few social media platforms that grant you the opportunity to monetize your account and Yusocial is one of them.

What is Yusocial all about?

Yusocial is an innovative social media platform where you can connect, share your news, photos, videos, audio, voice notes, market, and sell your products and services.

Unlike other social media platforms, Yusocial credits your account with points for each activity carried out on your account. These points are transferred into your wallets as funds and can be used to launch your digital services, brand, unlock more Yusocial features and packages, shared with friends, or can be sold for cash.

On Yusocial, every user earns for doing something. No matter how little the activity you carried on Yusocial might be; likes, comments, creating blog posts, updates, or articles, you are paid for socializing.

Yusocial started in 2016, with an average number of users of 1000 accounts, four redesigns and upgrades that make it run as the most responsive social media platform hosted in Nigeria.

The goal of creating Yusocial is to introduce a social media platform that grants its users an opportunity to earn, sell, and market products without spending much on ads or campaigns.

What can you do on Yusocial?

There are a lot of amazing things you can do on Yusocial. Some of these things include;

● Share Stories

● Write Blog articles on any topic of interest and grow a massive audience of readership.

● Create a page, or group and promote your brand

● Find and connect with friends who live around

● Market and sell products from our marketplace

● Create a crowd-funding campaign and gather enough money to fight a course

● Meet amazing people around the world

● Watch videos, play games, and get entertained

● Create and find job vacancies

● Earn from activities you carry out on your account.

How to make money from Yusocial

There are a few strategies that could help you earn real money from Yusocial.

● Write blog articles

Guest writers get paid for each article they put up on Yusocial. These articles are not restricted to a particular word count, niche, or trend. Guest writers are free to curate and write articles on their areas of interest while they get paid for doing so.

Yusocial payments (points) are transferred to your wallet where you can use them for a wide range of purposes as you wish.

Each blog article on Yusocial has an earning ability of 50 points for the benefit of the article writer. Writers on Yusocial reserve sole ownership of the articles they publish and are free to share their links on other platforms.

Aside from the fact that you are rewarded for your writing passion, Yusocial also provides a platform where you can publish enlightening, entertaining, educational articles for free.

You can gather these links to boost your job portfolio as a content creator.

● Create Posts and Status Updates

As it is done on other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or even Nairaland, you can make posts on Yusocial, update your status with what’s on your mind and what is going on, the major difference between these platforms is that Yusocial pays you for each post you make.

Each post has an earning ability of twenty points and as usual, it is transferred to your wallet.

● Market and sell products

Yusocial provides a marketplace that offers users the opportunity to sell their products in different currencies. Social media marketing is becoming the new voice of marketing but sometimes the cost of creating and launching an ad might discourage you from pushing your products to the digital space.

Yusocial gives you a favorable platform to market your products either as Business-to-Business (B2B) or Business-to-Consumer (B2C) transactions.

All you have to do is to have (dollar or naira), a product you wish to sell, add a product description, the currency you wish to trade in, the type of product (New or Used), category, and location for product delivery.

After publishing your product detail with a clear picture that gives you buyers a glimpse of what to expect, you are granted permission to interact with customers after they strike a deal.

Transactions are ensured of 100% privacy although we have the license to shut down accounts if we discover that fraudulent activities are carried out with the account at the detriment of other users.

● Reacting and Commenting on posts

Yusocial rewards account owners with ten points for comment on a post and one point for each reaction. There is no limit to how many times you can react or comment on posts, giving you an endless opportunity to earn a lot by airing your views on posts and issues.

Join Yusocial Today!

On Yusocial, we understand that every human being will love to earn from doing what they love doing most, and we have created a platform to help you achieve your goals.

We believe that social media has great impacts on the lives of people, we help you maintain a close connection with friends and family while making extra cash from the little things you do.

All it takes is a signup to get you started.


YuSocial Spotlight

8 Blog posts

Israel Unya 4 yrs
