Wake up with the drive to be successful.

Stop being casual with your destiny.

Nobody is coming to save you.

Your destiny has been placed in your hands and it is your responsibility to form it into greatness.

Wake up each day and put in the right amount of diligence and commitment to rise to the top.

Don't let a day pass without doing something to move you closer to the person of your dreams.

Whatever your hand finds to do, as long as it is legitimate, learn to do with it with honour.

Whether you run a business or you work in a company, learn to pour your heart to your work.

Strive to make a mark of excellence.

Be outstanding in your game.

Get rid of negative people, small-minded people or those that never see anything good around.

Be intentional about the words you speak and put out to the world because words make you.

So learn to speak positively into your future and use words to shape the future you want to see.

this week, remember your success is not only about you, but it is also about others.

So anytime you feel like giving up, remember the people who are counting on you to succeed

I am one of them.

And I'm counting on you to succeed.

#chinmarkat10 #chinmarkwater #redking #chinmarkgroup


~Marksman Chinedu Ijiomah