TESTIMONIAL – IDE: Charitable and Selfless
TESTIMONIAL – IDE: Charitable and Selfless

September 16, 2021

I met IDE Owodiong-Idemeko at a crucial point in my career through his amazing wife Joanna Owodiong-Idemeko when I needed to obtain a Master’s degree from a university in the United Kingdom. His words of encouragement, guidance and life coaching edged me on. He also supported me immensely emotionally and financially to carry on this arduous task.

His kindness helped me to forge a successful career today as a film and advertising practitioner. I will forever be grateful for his kindness and selfless support. I am aware I am not the first he has supported as there are several other young people home and abroad who have benefitted from his charitable gestures.

I am also a film maker, and my films address themes around social consciousness and themes of development and political consciousness. Through the 1001+ Voices Initiative we were able to get funding for the production and distribution of the film. IDE pulled his entire team, and they threw their weight behind the project.

These two events alone have proved to me that IDE is not only one to spend charitably for the sake of it. He is genuinely interested in everyone’s progress; he is passionate about the development of this country and his state. And most importantly he is passionate and vested in the growth and all-round progress of people. He does this selflessly and not for any gains.

I do wholeheartedly support his aspiration to run for the Governorship of Akwa Ibom State because I know and can testify that he will lead with his heart, expertise, skill, passion and energy for an all-round growth and progress of his people. Moreover, youths in the State should be ready for a revolution of some sorts in the area of arts and culture. I won’t be surprised if Akwa Ibom becomes the new capital of Nollywood under his watch.

Olasunkanmi Adebayo

Film Director/Producer, Nollywood, Lagos