“As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭NKJV

Yesterday, we talked about getting friendships and relationships that matter. Today however, we are going to look at one of the things to look out for in choosing true friends.

In life, we meet and associate with a lot of people. The choice of who to bring into close relationship with us is very crucial because it will determine to a large extent, our success or failure in life. The person you are today is a sum total of the three closest relationships in your life. A wise man once said “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are.” All the people in your life can be separated into two broad categories. You have the “Boosters” and the “Busters”.

A booster is a person who uplifts you. When you are down, he helps to raise you up. When you go wrong, he points it out to you and will help to stabilise you. He boosts you and helps you to become a better version of yourself. He is the one who will pray with you and encourage you and help you develop yourself into the person God created you to be. Jonathan was a booster to David.

Busters on the other hand are people who prevent you from becoming who God has destined you to be. They help waste your time and your life. They never have anything good to say about you or others. If you have friends whose only interests are having fun, going on the next shopping spree or hitting the clubs every weekend, then they are busters. If you have friends who always talk down your ideas and deride you, friends who make you feel less than worthy and that you will amount to nothing and that your dreams will never happen, you have found a buster. They are the ones who will give you counsel that will destroy you and even help you on the path of destruction. In Scripture, Amnon David’s first son, had such a friend; his name was Jonadab. You can find the story in 2 Samuel 13. He gave Amnon the counsel that led him to rape his half sister Tamar and this eventually led to his death at the hands of Absalom.

Take a look at the relationships in your life today, are there boosters you have been taking for granted, draw them closer to you. You need such friends. Cut off the busters today and see your life move on to the next level.

Father, I thank You because You have made great plans for my life. I pray that You order my steps to become friends with people who would challenge me to be all that You have planned that I should be. I ask for the Spirit of discernment to know my friends and the courage to separate myself from destructive relationships in Jesus Name!

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