Situation report on covid 19 vaccine I took on September 7, 2021.๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡


Barely 3 hours after the vaccination, I had severe pains on my left shoulder(the side it was injected) which made it difficult for me to carry my hands up.

The shoulder pains intensifies as hours go by such that it was as if a block was tired to my left hand.


Headache, fever, general body pains

It started as cold on the night I took the vaccine. I shiver like a baby under a duvet while praying for the day to break.

I lost appetite the following morning but I forced myself and ate even more than I should eat on a normal situation because of how I was feeling.

Few hours after I left my house to office, the headache doubles, fever triples, waist pains surfaces, cough and sneezing 'join hands,' even my legs could not carry my already weakened and pained body.

Here, there was no bed, no duvet; laying down on the cold tiled floor was not an option.

I folded myself unto a nearby bench while my neighbours and cousin who were privy to my vaccination ordeal started making fond of me ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ. They had warned me against going for the vaccination the day before. One of them jokily told me not to come back to my office because he said I was going to contract Corona after the vaccination.

Anyone that saw me knew I was not myself.

As the clock ticks, so my condition worsened. I reached out for the card I was issued at the health centre during the vaccination. There was a phone number on it and I dialed it.

There was a male voice at the other end, but I was expecting a female's because all of them at the centre were females.

"I am Koko Robson, I took covid 19 vaccine yesterday at your health centre, I want to report to you how I am feeling right now", I told him.

"Yessss, go on" he replied. I uploaded my frustrations into my phone's mouthpiece while the man at the other end listened with outmost attention.

" Oh sorry, Koko. Have you taken paracetamol since you took the vaccine?" he asked and I told him "no."

"They should have told you to take paracetamol if you experience any pains because most people that took the vaccination have been giving similar complaints. Please take paracetamol and you will be find. Sorry brother, he said and hang up.

I sent for a card of paracetamol and took two tablets immediately. In less than 30mins, I began to sweat so much that I sat up on the bench unbuttoned my shirt. The fever disappeared, the body pains subsided and I began to hum a tune which signalled my neighbours that I was getting myself back๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช.

Day 3(today)

All the pains are gone ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช except the little pains I am still having on the shoulder.๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’

But the cough and sneezing still persists though, occasionally.

Have you been vaccinated?๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„