Dear Partner,

The Delegation of the European Union to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and ECOWAS has the pleasure to invite you to virtually attend the launch of the European Union Youth Sounding Board in Nigeria.

During the event, the names of the 25 young Nigerians who have been selected to serve as members of the Youth Sounding Board will be made public. The event, targeting young Nigerians, will give you a better understanding of how you can contribute to and engage in decision-making processes on subjects that are of interest to you.

It will also provide an opportunity for youth across the country to virtually network with the newly selected members of the Youth Sounding Board. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and get more information about the programme and how you can be part of the Youth Sounding Board in the future.

In attendance, we expect key Nigerian government partners, EU Member States, and civil society organisations working on issues related to youth. The event provides an opportunity to learn how these organisations empower and engage young Nigerians in their work and programmes.

We will appreciate your online participation at the event scheduled to take place as follows:

Date: 13 September 2021

Time: 9am - 12:30 pm


Feel free to further share this information and promote the event through your communication channels.

Kind regards,

The Youth Sounding Board Team