💼 *CALL FOR APPLICATIONS - IFC/MIGA/World Bank Group’s Young Professionals Program (YPP) 2021/2022 at the World Bank Group*

🌍 *Eligible Countries*: International

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🗳️ *Details*: https://careerical.com/call-fo....r-applications-ifc-m

🕓 *Deadline*: 20th September 2021

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Call for Applications: IFC/MIGA/World Bank Group’s Young Professionals Program (YPP) 2021/2022 at the World Bank Group – Careerical eConsult

Call for Applications: IFC/MIGA/World Bank Group’s Young Professionals Program (YPP) 2021/2022 at the World Bank Group – Careerical eConsult

The WBG YPP is a two-year leadership development program at the start of a five-year employment contract with the World Bank, IFC or MIGA. Young Professionals (YPs) start the program in Washington,…