Some large independent oil companies are doing business illegally in Nigeria.

This is not only affecting the livelihood of marginalized communities where these illegal operations are taking place, but also costing the Nigerian government huge sums in non-returned taxes.

Many of these companies often escape scrutiny, and operate ‘behind the scenes’, mostly through joint ventures and partnerships with other companies. These players operate in an unaccountable manner, abuse human rights, partake in illicit financial flow and exploit the fragile nature of many oil producing communities.
The socio-economic and environmental impact of this menace on host communities cannot be quantified, as they are denied access to basic needs. Their livelihood is hampered because of issues like oil spills, poisoned rivers, and gas flaring which has harmful effect on health, farmlands, with distractions at schools where children study as a result.
We call on all Nigerians to agitate for their fundamental human right of living