And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30 (KJV)

Prayer is a service to God! It is one of the most important and greatest activities in the kingdom of God on earth. Intercession as a prayer type implies one standing or mediating for another; individual, institution, or a nation. It is synonymous to the job of a defense attorney in the court of justice. Spiritually, it is intervening for humanity before divinity; for creation before the creator. Sometimes, it is a self-imposed burden by an individual for divine intervention or restoration.

God desires for us to stand in the gap for others for many reasons: for example, several records of averted calamity recorded in the Bible were achieved through intercession. The Jewish prophets at different dispensations delivered their nation out of doom caused by sin through fervent intercession. On the other hand, the nation of Israel on some occasions became victims of God's wrath due to scarcity of "prophetic intercessors," so God lamented in Ezekiel 22:30 that He sought for a man to stand in the gap to enable Him avert His judgement.

In his letter to Timothy, Apostle Paul commanded that intercession be made for Kings, leaders, and those in authority (1Tim 2:1). Thus, intercession is both an old and a new testament practice. The present day ministry of Jesus is intercession. When Jesus finished the work of redemption for mankind on earth, He left for heaven and sat at the right hand of the Father as our mediator. Today, He intercedes for us on a daily basis before the Father as our Advocate. He pleads with the Father on our behalf against accusations brought against us by satan. However, our Lord Jesus needs our voice to come into agreement with His as our defense attorney in the courts of heaven. Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow: though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18(KJV). Intercession is vital to our continuous victory over satan and his schemes.

Whenever we intercede for others first, we serve God because He commanded us to do so, and whenever we obey His command, we are in service to Him. When we intercede for others, we also keep the heavens open over whomever we intercede for and bring divine intervention into their lives. With intercession, we also avert divine wrath from a person, people or nation. When we intercede, we avert detrimental calamity fashioned to disrupt and destroy by the enemy. A classical example is found in the gospel of Luke 22: 31-32, Jesus averted satan's plot to cause Peter to lose his faith in God. He said, "Peter, I have prayed for you..." That's intercession.

Do you have a list of people, Institutions, or nations to intercede for in 2020?

Lord I repent for being selfish about my prayer request. I receive grace to become a prophetic intercessor that will stand in the gap to intercede for humanity, and legislate your counsel on earth in Jesus' Name, amen!
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