CAC De-registers "Enough Is Enough" Business Name

Based on the provisions of Section 579 (2) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, (CAMA), the Corporate Affairs Commission has cancelled the registration of the Business name “Enough is Enough BN 2210728” with immediate effect.

The above section provides amongst others that the Commission has the power to cancel the registration of a Business Name where the name is deceptive or objectionable.

The Business Name “Enough is Enough” which was registered in 2012 to engage in General Contracts, Sales of Sport Equipment/Promotion deviated from its main objectives over the cause of time.

Consequently, the Commission has removed it from its database and advised the proprietors to surrender the certificate earlier issued to them.

Enough is Enough is a coalition of Nigerian youth advocacy groups to promote better governance and political accountability in the country. Based in Lagos and Abuja, it has organized concerts, petitions, protests and workshops to call attention to the violence being committed by Boko Haram, freedom for the kidnapped Chibok girls, high remuneration of legislators and denial of visa for elected officials who travel abroad for medical care.

The executive director is Yemi Adamolekun. In the run-up to the 2015 general elections, the group organized a mobilization campaign to encourage voter registration by youths. In February 2017, the group planned to hold a rally in Lagos to draw attention to the economic situation in the country.

