Lyrics: Rape of a woman is a degradation in our society today. It has also made our ladies so careful of what they wear, act, speak and even who they interact with.

Winnie: Every woman in her lifetime experiences violence. 971 Cases of Sexual Violence were recorded in Enugu, out of which 66 where perpetrated. What do you think of this?

Chiege: Gender based violence is a global issue. There are laws in place for these, but it doesn’t end there, there should be awareness. It should be enforced and perpetrators must be brought to book. Violators or potential perpetrators should know that there’s a punishment for this. It would be a signal for them. According to research, one in four girls are victims against sexual violence.

Lyrics: We are looking at enforcement. How do you think that the enforcement can be activated?.

Chifumnanya: Just like Chiege mentioned, first of all awareness, awareness in your home, what’s your rights. For enforcement, just like Lagos, Special Courts should be set up, which are very fast to bringing the violators to book. How do you get people to know? Awareness!. We also have to involve religious leaders, traditional heads, because they have a huge influence in the society.

Winnie: Can you give instances of sexual violence, that people do and will have to face the law for doing that?

Chifumnanya: Sexual violence is very broad. It includes attempted rape, gang rape, sexual comments, abuse a child, disabled person. You’re forcing the person, or making threats is sexual violence.

Winnie: For lady who wears a short gown and get sexual comments, What do you have to say of this?

Chiege: Let’s face reality, let’s understand the system. People really needs to be sensitize and awareness should be created.

Winnie: Do you think what women wear, can in any way lead or affect them?

Chiege: This a very controversial question that has raised a lot of opinions on different platforms, but for me a crime is a crime, there’s no justification for it.
Parents needs to sensitize their children. Self control is what should be incorporated in children and adults.

Lyrics: In addition with what she’s has said. Self Control should be a value. Do you think that most times, enforcement is not always the problem, but with speaking up?. How do we get a our young people to speak up?

Chifumnanya: Yes, everything boils down to this. But also the problem is still on the enforcement of which they shame the victims, but on both ends, sensitization is hugely needed.

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