Strange Lady Dressed Up Like Ozo For Halloween Celebration- See Photos.

The Big brother reality TV show ended some weeks ago. The housemates this year seems to be more entertaining than the rest in my opinion. More interesting and exciting updates are still coming from the housemates. Fans and friends are still receiving lots of bomb shells from the ex big brother's housemates season 5 lockdown.

While in the house, the housemates were known for some kind of life styles such as dancing, drinking, cooking etc.

Ozo was known for his fashion Sense, he was always spotted wearing some nice shorts while he was in the house. This got him huge and hilarious comments and post on social media.

The housemates are also getting reactions and hilarious comments on their Instagram page and tweeter.

Just recently a young lady with Ozo type of complexion decided to dressed up like him in celebration of Halloween.

Her height and complexion is just like that of Ozo's , if you don't zoom, you may conclude it's Ozo from a distance.

See photos here: