How To Become A Celebrity: Why You Must Publish A Book In Your Lifetime .

To professionally edit and publish your books, call us now (or Whatsapp) on 0803-915-8449 or for a Quotation, send your book to us through Ms word attachment to our email address:
p r o f e s s i o n a l e d i t o r s 47 @ g m a i l . c o m



Good day to you. How are you doing today?

Do you know it's very important to write and publish a book in your lifetime to document your story and let others learn from your own experiences?

Do you know you can publish your book on Amazon Kindle and on other ebook digital stores worldwide and make regular income for yourself?

Do you know that no matter your story, book genre or category, there are people who are ready to pay for your story, talent or ideas and buy your book from different parts of the world?

We are Professional Book Editors and Publishers. We are a self-publishing outfit and you will pay us for our services to publish your books for you. The author pays for all our services and we render professional services to ensure your book comes out to international standards.

We will professionally edit and publish your books for you as ebooks digital copies on various online stores worldwide and you'll smile to the bank.


1. We will publish your book as ebook on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Kobo, Google Books, OkadaBooks, Lulu, iBooks and other major ebook digital distributors worldwide.

2. We will professionally edit your books.

3. We will do a professional cover design for your book.

4. Ebook formatting to several ebook digital formats such as Kindle, rtf, epub, PDF, Zip, DjVu, BBeB, RRC, PDB, etc.

5. Assignment of digital ISBN to your ebook for worldwide marketing and distribution.

6. Professional proofreading services.

7. All necessary ebook digital files to be sent to the author/client in all ebook file formats such as rtf, epub, PDF, Zip, DjVu, BBeB, RRC, PDB, etc.

8. Your book will be uploaded on all major ebook stores worldwide.

9. Author Page advisory and branding to professionally acceptable standards.

10. Book description professional writing.

11. Author bio professional writing.

12. You have an opportunity to choose between any of our ebook promotional and marketing plans with discounted rates to promote and market your book to over 150 countries worldwide.

13. You have an opportunity to choose between our Amazon ebook promotional selling plans to sell your book directly to readers worldwide who are eager to buy your book.

14. Your book will be published in your own name or company name as the publisher and thereafter, the account will be handed over to you to manage it.

1. Make sure you have finished writing your book before contacting us. We don't handle unfinished manuscripts.

2. It's advisable to publish at least three books at once or one after the other in measured sequence, to be able to make meaningful impact in the ebook market. The more books you publish, the better your chances of making meaningful income.

3. It's not enough to publish your books, you must also promote and market the book to be able to reach millions of people worldwide.

4. We require all serious authors who want to publish with us to send their books to us and we'll evaluate it and send you a Quotation for professional editing and ebook publishing accordingly. We cannot determine the cost of editing or publishing any book we've not seen.

5. We require upfront payment of 70% of the total cost of editing and publishing your book before commencement of your job.

For details, call or Whatsapp us on 0803-915-8449 or send us a mail via: p r o f e s s i o n a l e d i t o r s 47 @ g m a i l . c o m

Kind regards!
