4 Nigerian Slangs Currently Making The Rounds On Social Media

Nigerians are engineered to find mirth in almost everything and so it is no surprise that amidst the nationwide protest to end police brutality, there has been a burst of witty memes, short videos and new slangs on social media.

The surprising thing is that these humour-based expressions in no way trivialized the ongoing protest. In fact, this funny clips serves the deeper function of educating people using the language they are conversant with; humour.

But slangs are the focus of this article.

It has been employed liberally in the last two weeks, so much so that one in every quip on social media is delivered with one or more of these humour bombs.

How are slangs created? According to popular opinion, slangs are coined by everyday people with an above-average, vocabulary signature that they have consciously altered to suit their need for an expanded expression.

And although they are often created by everyday people, they catch on only when deployed by celebrities or influential individuals.

So, we put together a few of the slangs currently making the rounds on social media to help you remember and maybe laugh a little.


If slangs had a military ranking, ‘Soro Soke‘ would be a brigadier general. It has been used so much by the protesting collective in the last two weeks that it is probably the most used hash tag after the END SARS hash tag.

This particular slang, roughly translated means ‘speak up’ and it became some sort of anger-based directive demanding a feedback or a vocabulary used to mock an unpopular opinion.


This slang or quip always comes from a place of humour, preceding a humourous situation, video or text.

It is some sort of preparation for a less than-stellar occurrence and using those lines help the audience know that someone has been placed on the ‘naughty’ scale and have been found wanting.


As far as cyber insults go, ‘Werey dey disguise’ tops the list of the vilest.

It is a choice insult, period. Roughly translated, it means ‘a mad man’s attempt to disguise.’

When used, the expression is always employed as a full-frontal verbal attack at another person’s exposed trickery.

Its delivery, when done by a seasoned internet troll, is a delight to see.


This is a nudge to heed some form of clarion call. It received notoriety alongside its partner slang ‘soro soke’ with the rise of the #endsars movement, when it was used countless times in collaboration with it.

The term’s virality made it good enough to be hashtagged hundreds of times in the last two weeks.

‘We move’ is self explanatory and is an encouragement to advance, in spite of adverse circumstances.