*“And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored to you, and you shall be clean.” 2Kings‬ ‭5:10‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)*

Whenever God has a breakthrough prepared for us, He usually gives us an instruction and it is the obedience to that instruction, that ensures that we have our victory and the manifestation of the promises that He has made to us.

The reason why we are sometimes not able to cash in on what God has promised us, is that we fail to obey the instructions that God gives us. Any prayer that leaves 100% of the basis for its answer to God, is an irresponsible prayer. To get the answers to our prayers, God will do His part and we must do our part.

In our key text, Naaman was given an instruction; "Go bath in the Jordan seven times and be healed." He got upset at the instruction because he assumed the prophet would heal him the way he wanted to be healed. But the truth is, God will not consult you on the method or process He will use to bless you. He will give you an instruction and all you need to do is obey. Your miracle and your breakthrough lies in your obedience.

In 2Kings 4, Elisha gave the widow an instruction to go and gather empty vessels from all her neighbours and pour the oil into it. Her obedience to an instruction that supposedly didn’t make sense, gave her the resources to pay her debts and to take care of her sons.

What instructions have God given you in the past? What instructions have your pastor given to you that you have refused to respond to and obey? Know that your manifestation and your breakthrough; the answers to your prayers are dependent on you obeying that instruction.

What instructions have you received from God that you have not obeyed? Begin to obey them and see the manifestation of your glory in Jesus name.