*“The lazy man does not roast what he took in hunting, But diligence is man’s precious possession.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭12:27‬ ‭(NKJV)*‬‬

As we continue with our series on faith, we will be looking at taking action again today.

For some of us, there are many things that we have prayed for. We have believed God for jobs, and some of us have even gotten ideas that the Holy Spirit put there after we spent time in His presence, in the place of prayer. Sadly however, we have done nothing with them.

For many people, the problem is fear, that has crippled them and holds them back from taking that action to start that business, or to implement that breakthrough idea. Some others are afraid of being rejected and that is why they have not applied for those jobs or for those grants.

Today’s key text says that a lazy man does not roast what he has caught while hunting. This means that being lazy is not just about not going out to hunt, if after hunting you cannot finish up the job by roasting what you have caught, then you are lazy.

If you are too afraid to apply for that job, or that grant or to venture into that business, you stifle the manifestation and efficacy of your faith. If you have prayed, and you believe God, then take a step, make a move. The ultimate proof of your faith, is the action you take in line with your prayers after God has spoken. The proof of your desire, is in the pursuit. Have you prayed? Has God spoken? Do you have faith? Then make that move, take that action.

Lord Jesus, I ask for the grace and the courage to step out and do what I need to do, to make my testimony a reality in Jesus name.