And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men.

To be a Joseph, Esther or a Daniel is not about what you can accomplish all by yourself. There is no God given vison that can be accomplished in isolation of others, therefore one key requirement of wining in the political or economic terrain is the ability to network with others especially those who are not part of your team. To succeed in life you must be able to translate your power with God into power with men.

The bible records that the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men 1Sam 2:26. You will need to leverage the expertise, connections and wisdom of others if you will be at the top. The same way God uses men in order to accomplish his plans and purposes, we must also learn how to tap into the latent power in relationships.

According to the Dominion Mandate, The first level of prosperity is you being fruitful. At this point you have something you are very good at; a service or product which you offer to others in exchange for material wealth. However, if you remain at that level you will never cross certain thresholds.

In order to step into the realm of multiplication, you must grow into becoming a leader by investing in others and getting them to do what you used to do alone. This way you have set in motion a principle for multiplication.
How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up? Deut 32:20.

The moment you can pour your knowledge, wisdom, expertise, anointing etc., into others and get them to do the same thing or even better, multiplication is activated. Jesus started with 12 men when He came to fulfil His Fathers mandate. You cannot multiply prosperity without investing in others.

The man who spends more time making men will eventually become more prosperous than the one who spends time making money. In the day of battle the Bible said,Abraham went to war with the servants he had trained in his house.
Who are you training today? Who are you investing in now?

You do not only need divine connection with God to succeed but you need others as well. There are positions you cannot attain just with competence until you prove the ability to manage other people and bring the best out of them.

Father help me identify potentials in others and to trust and teach them also that I may step into the realm of multiplication. Amen