*BIBLE READING: 2 COR. 4:7-18*

*“And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak,” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:13‬ ‭(NKJV‬‬)*

The story is told of John G. Lake, who was a minister in South Africa during the plague also known as the Black Death in the 20th century. It was reported that many people had died and even many doctors and care givers had succumbed to the deadly plague. Everyone who was a medical personnel working with the sick at the time, had to wear special suits and equipment to protect them from the plague; quite like the hazmat suits worn today by medical personnel at the forefront of the COVID-19 battle.
John G. Lake did not have this equipment, yet he would enter fearlessly, into areas with people sick and dying from the plague and he would lay hands on them and pray for them to be healed, and they would be.

When doctors; confused; asked him for his secret, he told them that the life of God flowing through his veins could not let any plague virus survive on his body and he demonstrated it by having a culture of the virus smeared on his arm but under the microscope, they were all seen to be dead. Thus, through the faith and ministry of this man, God brought a great deliverance to South Africa and many lives were saved.

It took a man, filled and possessed by the Spirit of Faith to do the kind of things that John G Lake did. It could only be a man possessed by the spirit of faith, to fearlessly stare death in the face knowing that through him God would bring healing to the sick, with out any fear or concern for his own health or life.

To dare great things for God, or even in some cases, see the manifestation of the promises that God has even given you, you must trust Him and take Him at His Word. You must be totally possessed by the spirit of faith; because it is only someone who has been totally possessed that would leave all he has ever known, to a land he doesn’t know, without any clear cut direction.

Ask God to fill you with the Spirit of faith and watch God turn your life around as you trust Him completely; even when it looks like it doesn’t make sense.

Lord, I ask for the Spirit of faith to overshadow me. Let it fill me completely so I will never be intimidated by life or circumstances ever again.