Our God is a God of multiplication (Gen. 1:11-12), that is why, during creation, He ensured nothing was created without 'seeds' in them for multiplication. And He derives great satisfaction in seeing exponential growth in us.

It is almost impossible to achieve success with the operation of an item without first consulting the manufacturer of that item, through its manual. As Christians, we have been equipped with a powerful manual called the Holy Bible. All principles to great multiplication (spiritually, socially, economically, etc.,) have been programmed into this 'Manual'. Let's take a look at some Biblical keys to multiplication:

WISDOM: One of the fastest ways to operate in the realm of multiplication is to utilize God's wisdom deposited in you by the help of the Holy Spirit. *Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding Prov. 3:13 (NIV). Wisdom demands that to know about prosperity, you must inquire of Him, that is prosperous. And there is none more prosperous than God. So you should constantly ask God for wisdom, who gives freely, without holding back. Dealing wisely in any situation, will bring prosperity.

COVENANT: Everyone needs an upper hand, an 'advantage' against others, by becoming established in covenant, especially when God gives you that added advantage as seen in *Deut 8:18. God is so faithful in keeping to His terms of the bargain, and He also expects us to do same. When all obedience is complete, come with your strong reasons [His Word] to service the Covenant (2 Cor. 10:6 ; Isa. 41:21). Then begin to enjoy multiplication in all you do. It is not only your covenant right to multiply, it is also God's oath to you.

GIVING: This is another major key to multiplication. Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously 2 Cor. 9:6 (NIV).

Fortify all hedges by first ensuring you pay your tithes, first fruits, offerings, give alms, etc., ensure you are not robbing God. Do everything possible to always advance the gospel with your finances, that way the heavens will never be shut against you.

Lord I repent from every known or unknown ways I have robbed you. I ask for your wisdom and knowledge to give all I am expected to give in your Manual bountifully in Jesus Name.