*"That you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12(NKJV).*

The faith-driven life is the normal Christian life. The Scripture declares that, "By grace you have been saved through faith" (Ephesians 2:8a). The Greek word for salvation is "Soteria," which essentially means the total package our Lord Jesus Christ paid for us through His Sacrifice on the Cross including redemption, prosperity, righteousness, etc. In other words, the password with which we gain access to the Unsearchable Riches of Christ is faith. However, the power of a positive example can never be overemphasized, for that reason, there is the need for us to gain motivation from the heroes of faith whose exploits were recorded in the Bible.

The Bible tells us that by faith "the elders obtained a good testimony."(Hebrews 11:2). In other words, our forbears in the Faith had their names and achievements eternally cast in stone, as it were, becoming a reference point for generations yet unborn. The whole of Hebrews chapter 11 is a roll call of the Faith Hall of Fame, all of whom serve as an Eternal "Cloud of Witnesses," urging on this current End Time Army (Hebrews 12:1).

In the midst of the storms of life, we can be rest assured that certain people before us by virtue of their absolute confidence in God made a name for themselves which can be likened to the "SI Unit" of faith. (The "SI Unit" refers to the international standard of measurement eg: Kilograms for weight, Seconds for time, Metres for length, etc.)

How inspiring it is to know that men of like passion, albeit operating under the Old Covenant through faith:
•Subdued kingdoms e.g Barak, Jephtah and David.
•Worked righteousness e.g Abel and Noah.
•Obtained promises e.g Abraham.
•Stopped the mouth of lions e.g Samson and Daniel.
•Quenched the violence of fire e.g Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.
•Escaped the edge of the sword e.g Moses and Rahab.
•Out of weakness were made strong e.g Gideon.
•Became valiant in battle e.g Joshua...The list goes on and on.

As we meditate on this Faith Hall of Fame, there is still one sobering yet encouraging point: According to Hebrews 8:6, We as Christians have a better covenant "established on better promises" than the aforementioned heroes of faith, hence, we have no excuse. The Acts of the Apostles are still being written so we have a golden opportunity to stand up and get counted in this glorious roll call. We must never forget that "the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits."(Daniel 11:32).

Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of being in Your Service. We appreciate You for giving us heroes of faith that we can draw inspiration from. Help us arise and shine as role models of faith for posterity's sake in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

•There are still vacant slots in the Faith Hall of Fame therefore I will arise and get counted.

•I am a hero of faith by His grace.