These are the current stats of activity on the internet today as at the time of this screenshot.

There are over 4billion internet users in the world today.
If you're reading this, you are part of this number.

There are over 1.8billion websites.
Is yours part of this statistic?

Over 115billion emails have been sent out today.
If you sent out emails today, it is part of this stat.
If you didn't, you're simply allowing your competition by more mindshare.
Have you heard the saying, 'the greater your mindshare, the greater your marketshare?'

Over 3billion searches has been done today on Google.
Searches related to your business make up this stat.
Will your business show up on the search results when related keywords are searched for?

Over 3million blog posts have been written today.
Apart from news on politics, sports, gossip etc., some of these blog posts are talking about products and services.
Have you written any blog about your business today?

Over 343million tweets have been sent out today.
How many of these tweets are about your business?

Over 3billion videos have been viewed on Youtube today?
Do you even have a video about your brand or business on Youtube?
How many views have you gotten from today's global stat?

Over 38million photos have been uploaded on Instagram today?
How many photos from this stat are about your brand or business?
...wait, do you have an Instagram account?

Over 66million posts have been made on Tumblr?
How many of these are yours or are you allowing your business tumble away in time?

What do these stats tell you? The internet is where the action is.
If you've got no visible online presence, Covid might not be the worst to happen to your business.

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