*BIBLE READING: 2 PETER 3; JUDE 14-25; LUKE 22: 63-65*

*Knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation." 2 Peter 3: 3-4(NKJV).*

As we draw closer to the coming of the Lord Jesus, and the end of the age, the faith of the believers will be fiercely tested. A group of people will rise up according to the apostolic and prophetic writings of the scriptures, they are called scoffers or mockers. According to the dictionary; a scoffer is someone who laughs and speaks about a person or idea in a way that shows that they think that person or idea is stupid or silly.

Apostle Peter forewarned us that at the close of the age scoffers will mock at the promise of the Lord Jesus' return, claiming that if Jesus intended to come, surely He would have already come. These people will make a mockery of believers, they will disdain, scorn, deride, and ridicule believers for their belief in the return of Jesus. Usually, men are stirred up by the devil to carry out such evil because they are spiritually blind, ungodly and unable to accept the truth.

Luke 22:63-65 tells us about the very last thing that was done to Jesus before He was crucified; He was mocked. When someone is mocked, or scorned at, his confidence is attacked, and his faith is demoralized.

The book of Jude told us that these people are ungodly, murmurers, complainers, and that they do not have the Spirit; they are fleshly. Some of these scoffers were once not only believers but were actually ministers of the gospel who were seduced by strange spirits and doctrines of devils. Apostle Jude urged believers to build up themselves on their most holy faith, not just for the purpose of the anointing but to enable us know and discern the mockers of this present age so that our faith will not be shaken.

In this Laodicean church age, the message of the return of the Lord Jesus is the least preached from our pulpits (Rev. 3:15-2. We no longer await the Lord's appearing. The faith of many is being tried and their hope dimmed. It is the hope of His imminent return and our ultimate redemption that energises our faith and spurs us on to holy living (1 John 3:3).

Lord, unto You who is able to keep me blameless until Your appearing I commit myself, keep me from throwing away my faith and hope in Your return. Give me discernment to protect me from seducing spirits and doctrines of devils in Jesus' name, Amen.