Lyrics: Looking from the stakeholders, are there people worthy of that
support and if we find that good person, is his chance going to be best thing
we will put in our money?

Rev. P.C: I own an oil mill in Abia State and I’m in partnership with the
governor, but he doesn’t know me, but through an Uncle of mine who is
friends with the governor I presented my ideas to him, though a family
business. I also got my funding from a politician. Now the question is, can ideas
be financed?, the answer is yes but the how sincere are you. People have been
given chances and they blew it.

Winnie: Okay sir, you’re saying young people are not cutting their coats
according their size?

Rev. P.C: You must cut your cut according to your size. If you don’t, you won’t
get to where you are supposed to be.

Winnie: Looking from the education aspect, youths in Abia State, are they
getting themselves braced with Education that one, and then are young
people holding their leaders accountable enough?

Rev. P.C: When you talk about education, the average Abian youth is a very
intelligent mind. There’s a difference between education and knowledge. Education is important, when you talk about is an Abian youth educated? Yes
they are, they go to school, after all Abia State has been taking the first
position for the past four years in WAEC. The state is doing well when it comes
to that aspect, but far beyond that, I am talking about Individual Capacity
Development, that is what is lacking. How did you develop yourself, a lot of
people are dependant on their parent for everything.

Lyrics: Do you say they have a divided attention?

Rev P.C: Now, an Abian Youth need not to do what they are currently doing
now, they need not to wait for the government to provide. The problem isn’t
that the Abian youth is not educated or informed, but overtime they have
gotten lazy and the state is political dependant right now. I don’t want to talk
about the roads in Abia State, the roads in Abia State is in a sorry state. We
need the youths to rise up, but unfortunately they are not rising up, but they
prefer to be political thugs.

Lyrics: Why do you think they prefer that?

Rev P.C: It’s a mindset, it’s an individual mindset.

Promise: These youths… I know we are educated, but they don’t really ask to
know more, because maybe the system is not transparent enough, I think
because if you’re not clear about something, the next option is to let it be. So,
if there will be more transparency on the part of the government or other
agencies to help the youths, to give them what they want, because I think we
want transparency, I’m now talking as a youth.

Rev P.C: They prefer to be paid 10,000 by the politicians, and if you talk bad
about them, they’ll almost burn down your house.

Lyrics: So, what is the way forward?

Rev P.C: The way forward is this, the individual Abian youth needs to trace
back. Why is it that things are not working for you? You need to invest in
yourself and it is not just about money. Investing in yourself means to build
yourself capacity wise, so that you add value to yourself and people can look
for that value in your life.
