Lyrics:youths in politics. Achievable or not?

Prince chimezie: Achievable

Lyrics:Achievable soon or Long Time?

Prince Chimezie: Its a long term thing

Lyrics: If we start doing whatever you have to tell us today how long will it take us?

Prince Chimezie:Lets say 5 years upwards. With the current situation we are in and things wey dey happen around youths we need this kind of behaviour change towards politics and it doesn't just come like that and if we have to do that across Nigeria. we have to take it 2 states per year. I will have to explain the level of youth participation in IMO state.It is Very low. There are two types of youth participation in imo state. One Is participation in Politics and the the other one is participation in Governance.

Their participation in politics is partisan but when it comes to governance you don’t see them practice partisan. In Imo state we only have two persons who are house members as per under 35 of age who are house members. When it comes to youth participation in politics in Imo state its very low. Instead they go for party politics which include thuggery,violence during election etc.

Winifredo you think political Partisan is a stepping stone into political Governance?because they wont fly to political governance without joining a party.because I don’t think political partisan doesn’t only include thuggery and other negative activities you mentioned earlier.

Prince chimezie: I have never seen any political who got involved with this political partisan getting into the street and all that.instead when they go into the political party they focus on what they came for.
The party process is also an issue if I have to go that way. We have the party constitution,with nice things written on it .but to practicalize it is the problem because party has a way of making youths not to get there .if for a example a youth has to be a counselor and when it comes to getting the form and he is told to pay 12million, you can imagine such a situation. So an average youth would prefer to get a JEEP than paying such amount of money for election he isn’t sure of winning even.

Lyrics: So are you trying to say that money is a core discouraging factor?

Prince Chimezie: Yes money but just money like I said political party processes has a way of discouraging youths.

Parties should actually reduce the cost of allowing a youth to participate.In encouraging other youths to be part of this thing we should start from the political parties.The ideology ,concerns,flaws that use in making youths invalid should start reorienting all of those things. Make it friendly, make it open , make it affordable so that youths in the house already will be encouraged.
If the process that brings everyone In is transparent and free then I will encouraged join.

Lyrics:How do you encourage the youth in times of these problems?

Prince Chimezie: Sensitization of Youths should be done to tell them “yes there is still hope, there is still chance that all these problems will change don’t just sit at home doing nothing just be part of process”. There is still hope that you will get in there.I suggest strongly that sensitization be done .

Lyrics: Would you advise me to borrow money for my campaign?

Prince Chimezie: You see that money aspect I wouldn’t advice anyone carelessly to go into borrowing of money.I talked about earlier the issue of God-fatherism and connection so if I encourage you to be part of the process and someone else is lending you the money, you can never be objective in your decisions.Except again if we have this type of sensitization and I am confident that you will go.if people see to it that you are credible they will start contributing.See once we are awakened and we are seeing that if this guy goes there whether he is borrowing us money or not he will do the Job for the community. Why won’t I contribute.

Winifredo you think the political appointment in Imo state is youth friendly?

Prince Chimezie: Well I would say that the past administration was open and friendly but as of now I don’t think it is now.For Example the office of the SA youths I don’t think the guy should still be a youth.Infact he is a man there. For example Either Ondo or Osun the guy that was appointed there is a 27 years old youth. Summarily, I am not really informed about the youth appointments in Imo state because it is not in the open, but I don’t get the feel that more youths are been appointed

Winifred: So Going forward what would you advice?

Prince Chimezie: like I said we had right in the past administration so I would advice that whosoever that is sitting in the seat of power should create opportunities for youth to take their rightful positions.

Lyrics: Do you think the youths in Imo state are in interested in politics.

Prince Chimezie: A good number of us are not even interested from my own point of view I will say they are not.those that are interested are at the partisan level. But that does not mean we don’t have youths who are not interested in the positive side,there are but they are few. In Imo state if we 100 ,99% is not interested but 10% is and the 10% that are interested we just want to see how we can connect together and start making an impact.

Winifred: what do you think will take them to ready for this Good governance, Positive part Of Politics and participate in this politics?

Prince Chimezie: As youth we should start sensitizing eachother,you have to start registering into political parties, and political leaders should make it easy for this incoming youths to apply for political positions. We have to start approaching political parties for them to create a soft landing for this young guys that are coming in for them to be able to get to where they want to get to.

Lyrics:People are beginning to see this politics as business rather than policy changes. How do we change this perception .

Prince Chimezie: If we can make the cost of governance I said again you can not operate your own on your own as an candidate, if it was possible then I would have come for house of assembly. I will just sponsor my self.
If you join a political party, the party constitution should make it very easy for youth persons to now start accessing other things of being in the political party.