*"And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it." Colossians 4:17(NKJV).*

The greatest honour in life, second only to being a born again child of God, is the privilege of being in His Service. Humanly speaking, one of the most powerful and influential offices on Earth is that of the POTUS i.e. The President of the United States. However, the American president is limited in the scope as well as the duration of his power (a maximum of 8years or two terms in office). On the other hand, the Bible says that those believers who are part of the First Resurrection shall reign with Christ Jesus for 1000 years or 250 terms during the Millennium; that is just a foretaste of our Eternal Reign with Him (Revelation 20:6). Howbeit, having a crown is evidence that one is qualified to rule with the Lord and one of the most important of them is the Crown of Righteousness.

The Crown of Righteousness is a reward from the Lord Jesus to Christians who faithfully fulfill God's Divine Purpose for their lives. Apostle John the Beloved stated that; "For THIS PURPOSE the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil" (1John 3:8). Apostle Paul in his second epistle to Timothy his spiritual son, aware of his imminent execution at the hands of Emperor Nero, emphasized his readiness to be reunited with the Lord Jesus Christ; this then begs the question: what gave him the audacity to claim the Crown of Righteousness? (2 Tim. 4:8). 2Timothy 4:7 states the threefold answer:
(1.) I have fought a good fight...
(2.) I have finished MY course...
(3.) I have kept THE Faith...

Firstly, the only fight every believer is expected to engage in is the Good Fight of Faith (1Timothy 6:12). It becomes pertinent that we always remember that the righteous shall live or be sustained by faith and faith alone according to the Scripture Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 12:38-39).

Secondly, Paul said he had finished HIS course i.e., his God-given assignment or ministry because God will never commend you for doing what He didn't command you to do. Straying away from your purpose in life is like spending endless hours using a very tall ladder to climb to the top of a wall only to discover at the last minute that you have been leaning against the wrong wall.

Thirdly, Paul kept or guarded the Christian Faith: Whatever you are called to do must be a testimony or witness in the eyes of all to our New Life in Christ. In other words, pursuing the Agenda of God without portraying the Attributes of God is counterproductive.

The Bible says; *"So I run straight towards the goal in order to win the prize, which is God's Call through Christ Jesus to the Life above."* (Philippians 3:14:Good News Translation). The primary goal of every believer is Christlikeness, which is the End of all spiritual warfare. This goal is what enables us and qualifies us to fulfill God's Call upon our lives. In view of this, let us strive to become more like Him and finish the ministry He gave us to accomplish that we may receive the Crown of Righteousness as we hear Him gladly say, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21).

Father in Heaven, we honour You; to You alone we ascribe all the glory, honour and power. O Lord, please reveal to me Your divine call upon my life and grant me the grace to fulfill it that I may qualify for the Crown of Righteousness, receive all my praise in Jesus' Mighty Name.

• I was created by the Lord God Almighty to fulfill a specific assignment.

• By His grace, I will finish my own course and make Him proud of me.

• I will always protect the Integrity of my Christian Faith.