*BIBLE READING: GENESIS 11:1-9; JOHN 17:20-23*

*Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3(KJV)*

The dictionary defines agreement as an understanding between entities to follow a specific course of conduct. That means a state of being in unity.

One of God's greatest expectations from His people is unity. It is so important that the Lord Jesus prayed for His followers before His death and ascension into glory (John 17). Without oneness, our corporate goals remain a mirage.

Let us look at the story of the disrupted project; the tower of Babel in Genesis 11:6a (KJV): *"And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one..."* As you can see, the grammatical rendering here should be an error and against contemporary English usage. It should read: "the people are one."

What is this scripture trying to tell us? It is revealing the people's internal disposition of a heart which has 'unity' of vision and purpose; 'oneness' in heart and soul; and 'a common agreement' to the cause. God Himself said they would be able to achieve anything they wanted with that level of unity. The lesson here is that oneness makes a common cause a possibility. That is how powerful agreement is.

As Christians, we are baptised into one faith (Ephesians 4:5). We all have a common kingdom mandate. However, it will be impossible for us to succeed in that cause if we are not in sync. We must remind ourselves again of our common bond in the covenant of our Lord Jesus Christ and agree to a common cause. We must be loyal to that cause and to each other.

One of the benefits of agreement and unity is that it guarantees and quickens heaven's response to our petitions. *"Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven."* Matthew 18:19(NKJV). Whenever heaven sees believers walking in agreement and in unity, it moves for a swift answer. When we agree, either as two people or in a larger corporate setting, we can do the unimaginable and nothing will be impossible for us to achieve.

Disagreement is disastrous, it creates room for the devil to come in, robs us of all the blessings God has promised us and it is also the reason behind most of the defeats that the church has ever suffered. Let us therefore agree to a common cause and be faithful as we journey in the faith we all share.

Father, thank You for shedding Your light on this subject today. I receive Your grace to submit to the common cause of Your kingdom in the family in which You have planted me. Help me not to be divisive Lord, but to uphold the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace in Jesus name, Amen.