Lyrics :What is your perception about the Youth and Agriculture?

Hon.Michael: There are two kinds of youth.there are youth that live in the rural areas and there are youths that live in urban areas. The youth in rural areas participate in the Production part of Agriculture but the youth in the urban areas mostly do not participate in agriculture. All am saying in essence is that agriculture is a location base something.

Female:What is your interest in agriculture?, what motivated you to go into Agriculture?

Hon Michael: My interest in Agriculture is from the Policy Stand Point.I saw that we had all the egg heads in agriculture, we had all the researches and all the documents that would move the agricultural sector of our country forward but I saw little implementation and I saw what the problem was ; was taking what you have on paper and applying it in the field. In Essence I would say we are not self sustenance.

Female: Do you think the government have a role to play?.

Hon Michael: well the Government should give direction to the people and create policies that would enable to do things in certain a way and create opportunities for people to understand the essence of Agriculture as a business.

Lyrics: Will you say that the government is doing enough to inform us about the Loans and Grants. Especially for people who are beginners?.

Hon Michael:The government is informing the people but what I have noticed is that when the youth go into the internet they are more interested in all the glams.I have seen that the youth are more focused on Quick Money,they always want something glamorous.
You cant just stand and say you want to go into Agriculture,Then go for loan immediately , you need to calm down and learn from someone who has been into it , “I ga agba boy”Because if you don’t do that if its fishery you went into within one month the fishes will die and you must pay back your loan.

Talking about the Agricultural Value Chain. WE HAVE the Production,Processing,,Packaging, And the Marketing. And when you tell these Urban Youths to go into agriculture what comes up in there is the Production I.e the Cultivation.The urban youth want to come into the production part but they can come into the processing part, they can come into the Marketing Part.

Callers and comment
Questonaire 1: Is government looking at using technology to bridge the processing of agro Products so as to ensure that we have an all year round supply and stable pricing?.

Hon Michael: Yea if you don’t innovate you will die and our technology is at the heart innovation. The government is currently in partnership with the federal government working on innovation at ADANI so we can have three (3) times farming for rice. We already innovating we are already using technology.

Lyrics: What are the opportunities for someone who has listened to us talk. E no geh money but im geh small skill

Hon.Michael: The opportunity is right there behind you. It all depends on the part of state you are from. lets say someone from nsukka , you already know that you guys deal on honey. So you can just start up honey business repackage your brand. Go to supermarkets and sample your goods(i.e honey).

Caller 1:which of the communities in Enugu State is government creating an environment to encourage farmers?.

Hon.Michael:We have the Office of APPEALS, Behind Fire service Otigba,If you think you have a farm that needs some support then you go to the apply there so you can get support.