*Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22(NKJV).*

One of the greatest needs a husband has is to have a wife with a supportive attitude. Women are commanded to be 'in subjection' to their husbands. The command was not to be 'in subjugation' (enslavement) to their husbands.Your wife is not a doormat to be trodden underfoot, the only person that ought to be trodden underfoot is the devil, and never your wife.

In Ephesians 5:21, Paul began the subject of authority in the family by declaring the necessity for mutual submission; the husband and wife become equals with the husband as the head. It is this partnership that precedes headship. When a man marries a wife, they both become one; the woman becomes the body while the man becomes the head. Wives are called by God to become a support structure to their husbands. Remember that one can chase a thousand, but two, ten thousand. For the two to chase ten thousand they must be properly aligned to each other; the husband being the foundation, and the wife being the support structure. Irrespective of how strong the foundation is, if the support structures are weak, the building definitely cannot withstand the pressure of floods, and the storms that will test it.

In 1Peter 3:1-6, Apostle Peter from his wealth of experience and godly model of marriage told wives to position themselves under their husbands authority. This is a Divine order, once you violate a Divine order chaos sets in. You either run your marriage by the Holy Word or by Hollywood. Wives, God never intended for you to have authority over your husbands. God ordained a supportive, and not a corrective role for you.

Once you assume the corrective and not the supportive role, you make it difficult for your husband to love you. Wives make yourselves lovable to your own husband. Make yourselves the most significant supporter and friend your husband has ever known. If you correctly respond to your husband's God given authority in the home, God will work on his heart, and the benefits can be tremendous; his desire to love and shower you with affection and tenderness can grow exponentially. When Abigail came down from her high horse and stooped before David, she conquered his hardened heart. She not only stopped a murder that would have included her, she also won the hardened heart of David by the law of kindness on her lips. Her conduct preceded her message (1 Sam. 25). Wives, don't be too preachy to your husbands.

If your marriage is going through turbulent times, ask God for grace to revitalise your marriage. If the sweet wine of your marriage has gone sour call on Him.

Father, help me to understand and take my assigned place in my marriage, so that your purpose for us can prosper in Jesus Name, amen.