*"And now a word to you parents. Don't keep on scolding and nagging your children, making them angry and resentful. Rather, bring them up with the loving discipline the Lord Himself approves, with suggestions and godly advice." Ephesians 6:4 (TL.*

We have established the importance of children honouring their parents according to Scriptural standards; however, honour is much easier to give from the standpoint of love and mutual respect rather than fear or terror fuelled by constant provocation. In other words, a child is ready to go to the ends of the earth for a father whose love for him is unquestionable.

The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ is "gentle and lowly in heart"(Matthew 11:29). The two aforementioned qualities i.e. gentleness or meekness alongside lowliness of heart or humility, are essential for Christian parents to cultivate in order to raise up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. More often than not, most parents stretch the boundaries of "tough love" in a bid to make their children emotionally sturdy; however, as we have seen in the Scriptures, provocation can be counterproductive because it has a way of damaging the confidence and self-esteem of the children on the receiving end of it.

There is a huge difference between constructive criticism and destructive criticism which every parent must understand; for instance, the reason children in elementary school are referred to as pupils is that they are delicate, just like the pupil or apple of the eye, therefore, they ought to be handled with care. Our Lord Jesus, Who is our Ultimate Model was known as One Who "won't walk over anyone's feelings, won't push you into a corner"(Matthew 12:20 MSG). That is exactly how we ought to behave towards our children to avoid breaking their spirits due to unwarranted nagging and excessive scolding.

The Bible gives us a template for child upbringing; God in His Infinite Wisdom, said through Apostle Paul, "All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, for INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS."(2Timothy 3:16 NKJV). In applying this to proper Christian parenting, there are four steps involved which must be followed sequentially:

1. *Doctrine Teach your children what they don't know and what they should do.

2. *Reproof Rebuke them for what they do wrong; this is the first part of proper criticism because it's morally wrong to reprove a child for something you didn't teach him.

3. *Correction Show them what they ought to have done and how they ought to have done it. Constructive criticism is incomplete without correction.

4. *Instruction Guide them into making the right decisions while reassuring them; they must know that even though they may have DONE what is wrong, they ARE NOT wrong. In other words, learn to separate issues from persons.

Children are like flowers that are open and receptive to mild dew but closed to violent rain; one of the most effective ways to win our children's confidence is for them to win ours, hence the onus lies upon us to always carry them along with us at their own level. The Lord grant us the grace to train up our children in the way they should go.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for opening our eyes to the truth about proper parenting; forgive us, O Lord, for provoking our children in times of ignorance. Help us to have a healthy influence over them as their covering that we may not lose them in Jesus' Mighty Name.