Today on the Awakening Program, we will discus, “Employment Creation and the Future of Farming in the South East”

Unemployment is undoubtedly the biggest challenge facing young people in Nigeria.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics in 2019, Nigeria’s unemployment rate was 23.1% and the underemployment rate was 16.6%.

As at 2019, there were projections that the unemployment rate could be as high as 33.5% by 2020. It is obvious that the current rate of unemployment will supersede the earlier projections especially with the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic and its resultant economic impacts.
Agriculture remains the biggest source of employment in Nigeria and it has incredible potentials to provide even more employment and income generation if a productive alternative is provided to crude methods of farming majorly used across the country.
The focus of this discussion is to highlight the role of agriculture as a viable source of employment creation and, to evaluate the future of farming in the south east especially with the non-willingness of young people to embrace farming as a means of livelihood.

. #theawakeningp