TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2020


*BIBLE READING: EXODUS 2:11-14; NUMBERS 13:26-33; 14:23-24*

*Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, "Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it." Numbers 13:30 (NKJV).*

The world has always been in search of solution providers. Every generation is in need of men and women who will blaze the trail. It is your mental attitude that will see you through your quest for success. Men who create solutions lead the pack.

In Exodus 2:11-14, When Moses saw the brutalisation of his people, the solution in him went off like a time bomb. Although his timing and approach were wrong, he offered to do something about the situation of the Israelites in Egypt. Something in him was telling him that he was born for that purpose. Moses thought that the Israelites would have gladly accepted him as their solution bearer, but they did not (Acts 7: 22-26).

Sometimes men who have created global solutions were once thought of by others as though they were out of their minds because they usually do not think normal thoughts, or they take familiar paths. Take for example the Wright brothers who invented the aircraft when their generation said that man cannot fly, including their own father who was a man of God. To be a solution, you must step out of the norm to think and act differently.

In Numbers 13:26-33, twelve top security operatives were sent to spy out the land of Canaan and observe the possibilities in that land. They came back to report that the land had limitless possibilities, but that the only challenge was that the men of the land were giants and that they, themselves were like grasshoppers in their own sight in comparison to the giants. Many of us because of the giants in certain sectors of the society have refused to step out thinking that the possibilities of success there, are very slim.

Just as Moses did not allow the rejection of his people to deter him, Joshua and Caleb, also did not allow the negative report of their fellow spies to stop them. They knew that God was on their side, although the task to dislodge the giants was not an easy one. They had faith that they could take the promised land of Canaan, they threw themselves into the battle to take the land and succeeded not only in conquering the land but in dividing it as an inheritance to the twelve tribes of Israel. God recognised that both of them had a different spirit/mindset (Numbers 14:23-24).

Our greatest limitations are self-imposed. Solution have no creed, age, gender, race, or colour, men and women will gravitate towards anyone with solutions. In Chapters 4 and 5 of the book of Judges, Deborah a prophetess and a judge was agitated by the conflict Israel had with Canaan, therefore, she mobilised the men of Israel to go to war against their enemy. Notwithstanding the fact that some clans refused her leadership, she did not wallow in self-pity, she rolled up her sleeves and led the battle and God gave them a resounding victory.

There is a great potential in you, so much has been coded in you to be the solution that the world is crying out for, develop yourself and and God will meet you at the field with success.

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I disallow every excuse and negative mindset; because You have not given me the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I take on the giants in my land, trusting in You.

I am a solution bearer, from my belly shall flow solutions for my generation, the pleasures of God shall prosper in my hands.