*Now why do you cry aloud? Is there no king in your midst? Has your counselor perished? For pangs have seized you like a woman in labor. Micah 4:9 (NKJV).*

Kingship is part of the bundle every believer receives when we accept Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. The sinner that was once an alien to the family of God is made a king and priest by our God to reign on the earth through Christ's redemption. Every king has a defined territory and the believer has been given authority to exercise dominion on the earth (Revelation. 1:5-6; 5:1. As a believer, have you discovered the dual role with which you have been equipped to function with on the earth?

Kings rule, they don't just survive or exist, there is an anointing that backs up our kingship and dominion on earth. It is called the kingly anointing; this anointing is for government on the earth. Many believers cannot fully maximize their potentials or hold on securely to the kingly office as evidenced by King Saul who attained but could not maintain the position because he did not have the character to contain it. Sadly, many in ministry fall after receiving this powerful and authoritative anointing. Therefore, God in His wisdom and love will not bestow this kingly anointing on just anyone, neither will He simply leave it to the unprepared.

The preparation for the ministry of kings is usually intensive and extensive. It commonly involves seasons of breaking to produce brokenness because power in the hands of a man without compassion and character will produce a beast; that was why God allowed Joseph to pass through pain and humiliation before he was taken to the palace and crowned. Breaking is a course in God's school before enthronement; even Jesus our High Priest had to go through it to make Him a compassionate High Priest – *“Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him." Hebrews 5:8-9(NKJV).*

When Joseph fulfilled his destiny, he saved many lives, including his own family, during a very severe famine which lasted seven long years; people from the surrounding nations came to Egypt to seek his assistance because God did not only give him the interpretation of the dream but the wisdom to execute the solution that led to his enthronement (Gen. 41-47). When Esther fulfilled destiny, she was an instrument used in saving the Jews from annihilation. When our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled His destiny by sacrificing Himself on the cross; He redeemed man and creation. Do not underestimate the outcome when you yield and obey the call of God, pay the price and fulfill your destiny. *“But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.” 1Peter 5:10 (NKJV).*

God will entrust this high office only to those who have discovered themselves and have been tried in God’s furnace, so that every dross is burnt by the Refiners Fire. Perseverance, compassion, obedience, faithfulness and death to self are key qualities that God is looking for in those who will be entrusted with the kingly anointing to reign on the earth. In this season, God is enthroning kings that will repair the desolate places and establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. These saviours would rather go through the fire than betray their King and His Kingdom. Are you one of the saviours and solution providers that creation is expecting to emerge? Pay the price and other kings shall come to the brightness of your rising.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for saving me and making me a king to represent the government of God on the earth. I ask that you lead me to the part of discovering who I am in You. Refine me until I am pure like gold so that I can manifest Your glory on earth in Jesus’ name, amen.

God has made me a king to exercise authority and dominion on the earth.