*"For all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever." (Genesis 13:15).*

In our previous devotional, we have established the fact that one can only change without once one has begun to change within. A popular Christian song puts it aptly:
"Jesus on the inside
Working on the outside,
Oh what a change in my

In other words, the Lord God Almighty always works inside out in His Dealings with us; it is the treasure within that adds value to the vessel without (2 Cor. 4:7). This actually means that our growth begins within and ultimately affects our growth without. The size of your world is determined by the size of your mind while the size of your mind is determined by the size of the revelation within it. However, God is never involved in any vision of yours that only you can accomplish.

There is a division of labour and a clear job description as far as the matter of Kingdom Dominion is concerned. God said, "Let US make man in Our Image, according to Our Likeness; let THEM have dominion." (Gen. 1:26a). Put in a different way, God's job was to create us in His Image (Personality) and according to His Likeness (Functionality) while our job is to create the world He has assigned us to govern. God's Personality refers to who He is while His Functionality refers to how He does things.

The Scripture declares that we have the Mind of Christ (1Cor. 2:16). Thus, we have the ability to think like Him once our thoughts are in sync with His. In other words, your ability to DO is directly proportional to your capacity to KNOW. Remember, it is those who KNOW their God that will be strong enough to DO exploits.(Daniel 11:32).

The number one Construction Material you need to build the world you wish to see is God's Word (Hebrews 11:3). He is a God of abundant supply, therefore, scarcity is never part of His Programme. Infact, a scarcity mentality is a man-made mentality, so we must beware of letting down a net when God requires us to let down nets (Luke 5:4-6). The Word of God only builds big things because He only has big visions; this is one major reason your mind expands like an elastic band (even though it can never contract afterwards) once it's being renewed daily by His Word so that you might begin to think like Him. As a result, you download the Precept of God which converts to a massive Concept which then births a Product that leaves a transgenerational legacy. Those who think small don't understand God because He only believes in abundance (John 10:1. He has placed Eternity in our hearts hence, we have an Eternal Capacity which we cannot even exhaust in this life. Stop thinking small and start thinking big like God. Remember that the size of your world is dependent on the size of your mind; so enlarge the tents of your mind to accommodate abundance in all things like never before (Isaiah 54:2-3).

Heavenly Father, You are the Great and Mighty God. I thank You for the privilege of being in union with You. O Lord, please help me begin to enlarge my internal capacity to believe You for great things that my world without might undergo a radical transformation in Jesus' Mighty Name.

•I am larger on the inside than on the outside.

•I have an abundance-mentality; I refuse to settle for a life of scarcity.