*"... For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." 1John 3:8b (NKJV).*

The Lord God Almighty is and has always been business-minded; this truth is so apparent that even the first recorded Words of Jesus Christ our Lord in the Scripture allude to it (Luke 2:49). Like every business man, God regularly multiplies His assets and relegates His liabilities to the background. One of the greatest resources He has enabled us to make profit with is the Anointing.

After successfully overcoming the devil during His temptation, the Lord Jesus read the 61st chapter of Prophet Isaiah in the synagogue in Nazareth saying, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to..."(Luke 4:18a); in other words, God never anoints or divinely enables anyone for the sake of it. He doesn't believe in wasting His Resources but always expects returns on His investments, one of which is the anointing upon a believer's life. God anoints His children for a specific purpose hence, the unction is for a function. Every believer who is filled with the Holy Spirit has access to the general anointing e.g. to preach the Gospel, to pray for the sick, to bind the devil etc. The bottom line is that we are anointed for a specific purpose, therefore, the onus lies upon us to make profit for the Kingdom of God always (1Corinthians 12:7).

Any prayer that pushes 100% of the responsibility for its answer upon God is the most irresponsible of prayers, there is a division of labour; God created man to create his world (Genesis 1:26). It is such a tragic waste to see people call upon the Lord regularly to move mountains that He empowered them to in the first place.

In mathematics, it is commonly said that we should transit from the known to the unknown; likewise, there are special anointings that come at an extra cost but nobody qualifies for them until they have been found faithful in utilising the general anointing. What has God anointed you for? What is the purpose of the grace of God upon your life? What is that Divine Rod in your hand for? The Lord open our eyes to see and act accordingly for we have been anointed by God for a purpose.

Heavenly Father, to You alone I ascribe all the glory, honour and praise; You have anointed me for a purpose, O Lord, I ask that You open my eyes to that purpose. May I never waste Your Heavenly Resources in Jesus' Mighty Name.

•I have been anointed by God for a specific purpose; I will never fail my Lord and my generation through spiritual laziness.