I hope you will learn from this?

The last part of the Story

So that day in April, there was a long queue of Examiners waiting to submit their CV. Then this Dr. lecturer that failed me for 5years was on the queue too, I’d spotted him.

My wonderful WAEC Daddy was beside me, he asked while I was smiling, I simply told him that something funny will soon happen, and when it was this Dr.'s turn, He greeted and called me “sir” (bending his head). I quickly stood up to greet him too.

But I was so surprised, he didn’t recognize my face. Apparently, he would never have thought and believe and to be possible for the young man in front of him to be me.

So I pretended as if I had nothing in mind too, I was going through his CV when he started pleading that he really needed my help concerning this marking stuff, he told me he came along with his daughter who is a gate crasher (these are people who are new to the marking system) and his wife who also had marked for a long time but needed to mark too.

He told me Ladoke Akintola University of Technology had been on strike for over a year and nothing seemed fine, no salary. No money and nothing at all. I should help him.

At that point I told him to call his wife and daughter. He did. I then asked him; “Sir, Is it truly that you do not recognize my face?”

He said, “ehn! It’s like this face is familiar o but you know there are many people like that I can’t remember. I can’t really remember where and when I had seen your face”. I told him to try, that I will only help him if he can remember where we had met and when..

He didn’t remember so I helped him out with my surname, I told him. “This is Akeju, the guy you failed for consecutive 5 years. The guy that brought his pregnant wife to beg you but still, you sent us away”.

At that point, he was dumbfounded. He left without saying a word. His wife and daughter were confused and everyone on the queue too. His wife asked what the matter was, I told her to go and ask her husband.

Shortly, His wife and daughter returned. He had explained everything, they knelt down and asked for forgiveness. I smiled and asked them to tell him to come back. He had gone home. In the evening he did return.

He asked for forgiveness, and I did forgave him. More than he had asked for, I granted him all of his requests. We were not permitted to give more than a packet packed of scripts but I gave him more than one. Just for him to make more money. He wept uncontrollably.

“ Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you”. I only know of the way of doing good even unto them that do me evil.

Till I left Ogbomoso, he was always calling me because I had put enough food on his table and not only him, but also for his family, during that difficult period they were going through.

It’s left to him, if he will change or not. Our tomorrow isn’t promised. Whatever position you find yourself, use it wisely.

Hope Someone Learnt From This.