MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2020



*"From now on let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." Galatians 6:17 (NKJV).*

The Lord God Almighty is the Sovereign over all creation, a truth which is indisputable; the Scriptures clearly testify to this for He is first introduced in the Bible as the Creator (Genesis 1:1). It took God six days to create the entire universe with mankind capping up His Divine Masterpiece on the sixth day; however, Adam committed the sin of high treason and sold out his lease to the devil.This precipitated the Redemption Story whereby God bought us back with the Ultimate Price after striking a deal with satan over the souls of men (John 18:8). We were bought with the Price that no being could ever pay.

Oscar Wilde, the famous nineteenth century Irish playwright, once said that a cynic is someone "who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing." Only God Almighty knows the true value of everything, hence, He paid the Highest Price ever by sending His Son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for our sakes. The word "price" actually means "perceived value." In other words, the price tag I put on a commodity is a reflection of my perception of that commodity. The Scripture declares, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son" (John 3:16a). This shows clearly the value of our souls to Him, prompting Him to lay down His Life and purchase us with His Own Blood (Acts 20:28b).

The Lord entered into the slave market where unregenerate mankind was the commodity in the showcase of that slave master called Satan; our Saviour then made him an offer he could never refuse. The opportunity to have Jesus chained in hell suffering everlasting torment for thwarting the devil's schemes at every turn seemed too good an offer to resist. However, even though Satan walks "to and fro on the earth" (Job 1:7); "the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth" (2Chronicles 16:9). Therefore, God will forever be light years ahead of the devil. In one fell swoop during the Passion Week, the greatest business transaction of all ages was sealed by the Life of the Messiah, the Actual Price He paid to redeem us since the life of the animal is in its blood (Leviticus 17:11).

Dearly beloved, having this understanding will help us see how much value the Lord places upon us. He bought us fair and square with a Price; consequently, He became worthy to take the Scroll and open the seals for He was slain (Revelation 5:9). In honour of this Ultimate Sacrifice, we must refuse to live for ourselves and our own agenda; we must rise up and embrace His Own Agenda for we do not own ourselves. We were bought with a Price, thus, we bear in our bodies the Marks or Identification Brand of our Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! For this wonderful privilege of being bound with the Lord that we might be free indeed.

Heavenly Father, I exalt You for You alone are Worthy of my exaltation. Thank You for paying the Price for me and saving me from an eternity of unspeakable torment. I vow to live for You and Your Purpose because my life belongs to You. Thank You for this great privilege in Jesus' Mighty Name.

•I have been bought with the Ultimate Price, therefore, I am sold out to Jesus Christ my Lord.

•Since my life is not my own, I give myself away that You may use me.