Why me Lord? What have I done to deserve even one of the pleasures I have known? Tell me Lord, what did I ever do that was worth loving you, or the kindness you have shown? Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it so. Help me Jesus I know what I am. Now that I know that I've need you so. Help me Jesus, my soul is in your hand. Tell me Lord, if you think there's a way I can try to repay all I've taken from you. Maybe Lord I can show someone else what I've been through myself on way back to you. Lord help me Jesus I've wasted it so. Help me Jesus I know what I am. Now that I know that I've need you so. Help me Jesus, my soul's in your hand. This is a beautiful song that shows we are sinners in need of the Savior and that He loves us in our sins and all. There is no way to repay Him. What have we done to deserve His love? We must acknowledge Him as the Savior. His love for us is unfailing and eternal. He hates the sin, but loves the sinner. We know there is no need to ask that question anymore. He died for us, in our place. He took our sins upon Himself and became sin for us. 2Corinthians 5:21; "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." He protects us and keeps us safe from all harm. We can never repay Him for what He has done for us. We can imitate His love and show His love to others. Which is what He wants us to do. There is no better way to show love than to help those who are hurting. Jesus said, "Love one another." John 13:34; "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." He works through you and with you. He loves you so much, that while He was dying on the Cross, He cried, "Father forgive them." He was still forgiving and loving you while suffering.
Luke 23:34; "Then said Jesus, Father forgive them; for they know not what they do." Apostle Paul was a murderer who was converted and allowed God to work through him. Plant a seed of love in another person's heart and greet them with a smile. If you are willing to be used by the Lord, His love for you will increase; the more you show love to others, your love for Him will increase. Spread His love around the world and love will reign supreme as God always intended for the world to be before sinned entered the world. Spread the love of God to everyone you encounter.
Glory to God!!!