Below is a number TWO of some the most nutritious foods for your peepers. Doing what you can to protect and maintain your vision health, especially as you age, is important for overall wellness. An easy (and tasty) way to do this is to work in more nutritious foods. 

Below is a roundup of some the most nutritious foods for your peepers. 


Eat your spinach. As a great source of all-around nutrients, this leafy green is also one of the best foods for healthy eyes. It's got loads of lutein, which I've already noted is a key component of a good sight booster And spinach has zeaxanthin, too. 

To help your body best absorb these antioxidants, you need to eat them with fat. A little spinach salad drizzled with olive oil --  which also has omega-9s and a small amount of omega-3s -- gives you an easy way to work the top foods for vision into any meal.